Tourist information point of Monestiés Our team is happy to best meet your expectations and provide you with reliable and updated information on a daily basis. Opening hours and days:
The Monestiés Tourist office is part of a network of information offices organized by the Ségala Tarnais Tourist Office (Carmaux, Monestiés and Mirandol-Bourgnounac). During the winter season, as the Monestiés tourist information point is closed, you can contact the Carmaux tourist information point on place Gambetta 81400 Carmaux: 05 63 76 76 67 More information at the Tourist Office of Segala Tarnais : Have you visited Monestiés?
# Visit with Handicap
-Drop-off in front of the museum -Seats available -Wheelchair available | -Magnetic loop | -Magnifying glass on request |
Attention: The site is not equipped with toilets. The public toilets* are located 180m from the Tourist Welcome Point.
*The toilets have been fully rehabilitated to accommodate people with disabilities
| >Postcards >Glass bottle with bamboo stopper 420ml >Reusable bamboo fiber mug 35cl >Jute bag with cotton rope handles 38.5x32cm >Map of the Most Beautiful Villages of France >Book of the Most Beautiful Villages of France Fr/Ang >Gemmail book >Pin's Monestiés >Recipe booklet >Medieval figurines >Book coloring castle |
| >Postcards >Book La Poésie du silence >Book Bajén-Vega >Poster Martine Vega - Petite moisson >DVD Bajén / DVD Vega >Magnet Bajén-Vega |
| >Topoguide promenades et randonnées découvertes en Ségala Tarnais - 22 itinéraires >Fiche randonnée à l'unité >Topoguide randonnée à VTT >Pochette le Tarn à vélo >VTOPO Tarn >Cartes IGN >Carte postale > Tote bag "Je peux pas j'ai vacances en Ségala Tarnais" >Key ring |
| >Medieval party cup - black or white >Medieval party t-shirt - Adult >Medieval party t-shirt - Children |