
Tourist Office
of Monestiés

# Visit with Handicap

Attention: The site is not equipped with toilets. The public toilets* are located 180m from the Tourist Welcome Point.

*The toilets have been fully rehabilitated to accommodate people with disabilities

  • Point d'Accueil Touristique
  • Place de la Mairie
  • 81640 MONESTIES
  • Position GPS
* compulsory fields

A selection of products
in relation to our cultural heritage...

This sales space located in the heart of the tourist welcome point offers a wide choice of gift ideas or souvenirs: books, postcards, goodies...

Remember his time in Monestiés...

Remember his visit to the Bajén-Vega Museum...

Discover or rediscover the Ségala Tarnais...

To prolong the medieval feast at home...